Winning isn’t Everything

Some quotes I come across hit me like a ton of bricks. This is one of them.

There is a chronic challenge in today’s world that everything must be framed as a Zero-Sum Game. That if there is a winner, someone who gains something, there must be someone who loses in equal value.

Even debates and discussions get framed this way, especially when discussing conflicts. There has to be a “winner”, someone who gets what they want. Which means inherently, someone else “loses.” And that’s a feeling no one likes.

The next time you’re in a discussion, a debate, an argument, ask yourself what you are really trying to “win.”

The inherent competition is all over ‘business’ and ‘leadership’ language. We forget that shared growth is a possible outcome, choosing to focus on the battle and deciding its winner.

More importantly, will you act differently knowing the person you are working with is going to walk out of a discussion with negative feelings about you, your interaction, or your character? Is that a worthwhile trade to get your “win?”


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